The Second Trimester

The Second Trimester.
Finally, I have a bump to show for all the worry and yet still feel fit and able to enjoy normal daily activities. My prenatal exercise classes have given me access to an amazing network of other mums as well as experts in holistic therapy, healthy living advice, local small businesses and more. It is easy as a single person to fall into isolated habits. The social aspect of the prenatal classes has been a great benefit. Choosing to have a child by IVF with a donor is not something I imagined being able to connect with people on, but the more I dared open up, the more comparable stories came to the surface around me. I spent so many moments in waiting rooms at the fertility clinic sitting in anxious silence next to people all in the same boat as me. Yet never connecting with them and then assuming everyone else in the outside world was a happy healthy fertile couple whose conception was flawless. Things are not always as they seem. Here is a link to NHS advice for exercise
Eating well.
Exercise and eating well feels like the best things I can be doing for both my own health and my babies health at the moment. Walking lots and making meals the most important part of daily routine is my best advice. Coming from someone who is often cooking last minute not-so-healthy meals or ordering in. I have found batch cooking helps – especially for days when energy levels are low. Switch to online supermarket deliveries to help plan meals. Here is a link to NHS advise for healthy eating
Accepting help.
The second trimester for me is where I am starting to feel happier accepting help from others more often. Whether it is making cup of tea or knowing I’m not in any state to be climbing ladders and shifting boxes in the nesting period. Which as an independent single person takes a while to admit.
Fetal Movement.
This has been an amazing time feeling my baby moving increasingly as she grows. What started out as bubbles and flutters has changed into more distinct kicking, punching and wriggling feelings. It is so nice to know she is in there doing her thing. Making her own routine – the early morning 4a.m. wake up wriggles are nice but hopefully not a long-term habit!